As SELSA, our feeling, attitude and purpose regarding ‘sustainability’ is to realize our productions by protecting the life of the world and all living beings on the earth.
We always remember our responsibilities towards the world while continuing to develop, grow and progress, keeping ourselves and our customers in continuous development momentum, increasing our economic growth, and continuously increasing the welfare level of our company and our customers.
As SELSA, we fully accept and support the definition made by the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development in 1987; “Meeting the daily needs of humanity without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to respond to their needs is the ability to make development sustainable.”
There are 3 scopes in sustainability;
Environmental sustainability
Economic sustainability
Social sustainability
We care that all our commercial activities create added value for the economic sustainability of the world. We care that our communication with all our social stakeholders, including our employees and their families, and our social projects support the social sustainability of the world.
We carry out multifaceted efforts to ensure that our production, our business model, all kinds of working principles, all kinds of consumption that we realize in order to carry out our own sustainability, reflect positively on the environmental sustainability of the world through stable, decisive and inspiring projects.
The ‘SELSA Environmental Management System’, which we have built on the ‘Environmentally Sustainable Production Model’ philosophy, forms the roof of these efforts.

We want every mark we leave on the world to be clean and beautiful. We want the world of the future to be ‘good’, not just the world of today.

We protect our most valuable resource! Water is vital in the manufacturing and use of our products.

Our energy efficiency team is working with the determination to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy use for a better and cleaner tomorrow.

We have come a long way in a short period of time thanks to the innovative ideas we have implemented to reduce and recover our waste and the strong relationships we have built with our suppliers.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint to zero, we calculate our direct and indirect footprint for each project and leave a cleaner world for future generations by planting saplings equal to the amount of greenhouse gases we release into nature.
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