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Every day we gain new information related to our focus. In order to have a career in the field you will start with an apprenticeship, you must use your intelligence, To seize opportunities where you can develop your creativity and talents We are looking forward to your applications.


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I hereby accept and declare that the information I have provided and what I have written in this Job Application Form constitutes the basis for a service contract, that they are true, complete and accurate, otherwise my service contract will be terminated without notice and compensation in accordance with the Labor Law No. 4857 (Art. 25/II a); that I agree to work in accordance with the SELSA Personnel Regulation and that I will be subject to a 2-month probationary period if I am hired. I, the prospective employee whose signature is on this application form, hereby declare that my other personal data included in this application form and/or other personal data that I may transmit to the employer upon request or at my own discretion in the event of the establishment of a business relationship (For example, but not limited to those mentioned; copy of identity card kept in the personnel file, criminal record, residence, photograph, curriculum vitae, diploma, document showing military service status, health reports, employment declaration, termination declaration, Monthly Premium and Service Document, Wage slips, family status notification, report showing disability, tax discount letter, education documents, employment contract and other information and documents arising from the employment relationship), within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and secondary legislation, by fully or partially automated or non-automated means, provided that it is part of any data recording system, and fulfillment of obligations arising from being an employer, etc. can be processed by the employer within the scope of the purposes (For example, operations that can be performed on the data such as recording, storing, storing, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, transferring, making available, classifying or preventing the use of the data to the partnerships, public institutions and organizations to which the employer is affiliated, both domestically and abroad, and other third parties within the scope of any activity and work that may be subject to the business relationship), and can be kept for the required period, The employer may install audio and video recording systems for the purpose of ensuring occupational health and safety and the control, supervision and security of the workplace and the work, and these systems may record my voice and image, and all kinds of tools and equipment allocated to me due to my performance of work but also made available for my private use may be inspected by the employer without being limited to working hours, control and follow-up, that fingerprint permission will be obtained for technological systems, retina scanning or face scanning may be performed, since the employer is obliged to keep the employment and exit records of the employees within the scope of the legislation, and that my above-mentioned will is subject to explicit consent, certain issues, on the other hand, that the processing of the data in the job application form and other personal data that I will transmit to the employer in the event of the establishment of an employment relationship is necessary and in some cases mandatory within the scope of labor legislation for the establishment and performance of the employment contract, that the employer has legitimate interests pursued by the legislation regarding the personal data subject to this declaration, but that this consent/declaration is not related to my race, active origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership of associations, foundations or trade unions, my health status, provided that it is not related to occupational health and safety, it does not cover my personal data of special nature such as my sexual life, my criminal conviction and data related to security measures and biometric and genetic data, unless it is mandatory for me to work and continue to work in the workplace, but the exceptions introduced by the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 on personal data of special nature can be applied, that personal data may be deleted, destroyed or anonymized in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear (making personal data impossible to be associated with an identified or identifiable natural person under any circumstances, even by matching personal data with other data), the data controller and representative, for what purpose the personal data will be processed, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data can be transferred and especially my rights, that I have been enlightened, that in the event that the work I will perform in the event of the establishment of a business relationship makes the processing of personal data necessary and / or obligatory, I have learned or that I have become aware of during my performance of work and to other persons other than myself (for example, and not limited to those mentioned, to the employer, I will not disclose the personal data belonging to the employer's employees, the employer's customers, guests or third parties with whom the employer has a relationship under any name whatsoever) to anyone else without the written consent of the employer and will not use it for purposes other than the purpose of processing, I hereby irrevocably accept, declare and undertake that I will not use, store, disclose in written, audio or video form or in electronic media, that I will not share all information and secrets related to business life, including wage information, with third parties and other employees for any reason, that I will not make any sharing in the written and visual media or social communication channels within this scope, that this obligation will continue after the termination of the business relationship.


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